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LGBTQ+ resources

Emergency: Call 911

Find an LGBTQ+ center 

Over 250 LGBTQ+ centers providing support to their local LGBTQ+ communities

Find a PFLAG chapter 

Support for families, allies, and people who are LGBTQ+ provided through 400 local chapters

Find a Planned Parenthood health center 

Health centers are open to people of all gender identities and sexual orientations and offer STD testing, birth control, physical exams, other sexual and reproductive health services, and referrals


The Trevor Helpline 

24/7 suicide prevention helpline for LGBTQ+ youth (call, chat, or text)

Trans Lifeline 

Suicide prevention helpline for trans youth, staffed by trans people (call)

LGBT National Help Center 

Talk to peers directly (call, chat)

National Suicide Prevention Line 

24/7 suicide prevention hotline (chat)

National Runaway Switchboard 

Crisis intervention and referrals for runaway and homeless youth (call, chat, or email)

RAINN - Rape Abuse & Incest National Network 

National sexual assault hotline (call, chat)

National Domestic Violence Hotline 

24/7 domestic violence hotline (chat)

National Child Abuse Hotline 

24/7 child abuse hotline (call)

Sexually Transmitted Disease & AIDS/HIV Information Hotline

1-800-CDC-INFO/1-800-232-4636 (Mon-Fri 8 am - 8 pm ET) (call)


Asexuality Visibility and Education Network 

The world's largest online asexual community as well as a large archive of resources on asexuality.

Facts for Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual Teens and Their Parents 

From the American Academy of Pediatrics

Future Perfect Project 

Provides free arts workshops for LGBTQIA+ youth & allies across the United States so that they can be safe, seen, and celebrated.

GenderEv Pronouns 

Having trouble getting used to a friend's new pronouns? Want to try some out for yourself? Check this out.

Gender Spectrum Lounge 

The Lounge is a space for teens, parents, and professionals to connect with one another and have conversations on gender without the boxes.

Glitterary Magazine 

A safe space for all LGBTQ+ youth, whether out or closeted, to share their writing with a supportive community.


An online magazine for QTPOC youth.


Programs and events for LGBTQ and ally Jewish teens.


Sexual health information and resources specifically for LGBTQ+ youth


OUTWORDS collects, archives and shares the experience and wisdom of LGBTQ pioneers, to serve as a model for enduring social change in the United States and beyond.

Project Contrast 

Project Contrast's mission is to show LGBTQ+ youth that they are not alone.

Practice with Pronouns 

Having trouble getting used to a friend's new pronouns? Check this out.

Pronoun Dressing Room 

Trying to figure out which pronouns suit you best? Check out this site.


Q+EDU provides a virtual experience designed to connect, inform, and empower youth, parents, and educators.

Trevor Space 

TrevorSpace is an affirming international community for LGBTQ young people ages 13-24.